sexta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2012

Módulo 2 – Informações Pessoais com Desenho

Cartoon Pesonal Infornation 
      Assista o vídeo uma ou duas vezes antes ler o script logo abaixo. Depois, leia o script e verifique se existe alguma(s) palavra(s) que você não conhece. Se houver, procure o significado. Então, ouça o vídeo de novo juntamente com o texto. Faça esse processo até entender tudo sem precisar do texto. Dessa forma você aperfeiçoará sua habilidade auditiva. 

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Script - 

Katie: Hi, you're new here, aren't you? What's your last name?
Will: My last name is Smith and my middle name is Green. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.
Katie: Are you kidding me? You're not like the incredible Hulk, are you?
Will: No. I'm just kidding with you. By the way, my full name is Will Green Smith. Now, let me ask you a question. What's your name, phone number and the area code?
Katie: You always ask questions like this? Ok, I'll answer your triple question. My name is Katie. My phone number is, 4912-5308 and the area code is, 76. Can you tell me your email?
Will: Yes, I can tell you my email, only if you promise to send a pic of yourself to me.
Katie: Ok, I agreed. I'll send you my best face photo. Let me ask you a personal question. I know it's not my business. But, do you dye your hair?
Will: I dyed my hair brown yesterday, but the color didn't change at all, even with more time. When can I dye it again? I'm sure you have experience in hair dyeing.
Katie: You're mistaken. I have naturally red hair. I inherited my stubbornness from my mother's side of the family. My red hair was inherited from my father. Do you like girls redheads?
Will: Yes. I do.

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